Physical Strength Development of Youth Players


The physical strength of the football player has always been essential in football, from the beginning to the present. In light of global football, it is also critical that Turkish football possesses a robust and physical understanding of the game. As a result, the physical strength development of youth football players is an important component to monitor.

What is the Physical Strength Development Competence of Youth Players?

To appropriately diagnose a patient, we must first determine the patient’s health problem. In this case, we can consider the patient to be Turkish football, and the health issue to be the physical strength growth and proficiency of youth football players. In this sense, it would be more suitable to examine specific studies conducted at our universities and to read scholarly journals.

Many studies and articles have been written to aid in the development of young football players in Turkey. However, at the end of the day, it is clear that there has been a minimal response to the execution of this research. According to the findings of the research article “A Qualitative Research on the Reasons for Not Raising Football Players from Youth in Turkey and Suggestions for Solutions,” published in 2019 at Celal Bayar University, the reasons why teams in the Super League do not include football players in their infrastructure are at a high level, based on the 2017-2018 season. It has given birth to the perception that there are no qualified players available to perform. This obstructs the development of our country’s infrastructure and the training of football players. The fundamental cause of this scenario is our country’s lack of infrastructure. It is clear that training facilities are rare, and those that do exist are inadequate.

The following study, “The Effect of an 8-Week Training Program on the Physiological and Biomotoric Characteristics of Football Players Aged 12-14 Years,” was published in the Mediterranean Journal of Sport Sciences in 2021, Vol. According to the findings of the study, based on the data acquired from the tests and training studies, it was concluded that regular training for 8 weeks had a good influence on the physiological and biometric qualities of 12-14-year-old male football players. This study can be a resource for coaches working with 12-14-year-old football players to use in their research. Athletes will have a stronger physiological and biometric structure in the future if they begin exercising at a young age.

What is the Physical Strength Development Competence of Youth Players?

At the end of the day, we may infer that the physical strength development of Turkish youth football players is insufficient and that they are insufficient at the first league level. Of course, many studies on the subject indicate that there are numerous reasons why youth football players are unable to enhance their physical strength. So, what are these general reasons?

Reasons Why Youth Players Can’t Develop Their Physical Strength

External variables are more efficient in explaining why football players are unable to build physical strength. The football player’s motivation can be added to this and evaluated for the following reasons.

  • Inadequate infrastructure facilities.
  • Infrastructure trainers are anything but scientific. A lack of novel approaches.
  • Young football players’ lack of familial support.
  • Football players’ diets are deficient.
  • Not encouraging the players to put in extra effort.
  • There is a staff shortage for the in-club infrastructure.
  • There is a lack of planning and a system mechanism.

Even though there are reasons and omissions not listed here, we can argue that there are definite headlines that can be presented as reasons for youth football players’ incapacity to acquire physical strength in Turkish football.

The Effect of Extra Work on the Physique Strength Development of Youth Football Players

The extra work that youth football players put in to improve their physical strength has a good effect on their physical strength development in Turkish football. In one of the older thesis works on this subject, titled “The Effects of Plyometric Training Program Applied to Football Teams Youth Players on Physical Fitness Levels,” an efficient improvement in the physical development of the football players was observed in the tests applied.

In Turkish football, the extra effort put in by young players to improve their physical strength has a favorable impact. In the thesis “The Effects of Plyometric Training Program Applied to Football Teams Youth Players on Physical Fitness Levels,” an effective improvement in the physical development of the football players was observed in the tests conducted.

  • Exercises focusing on the four key physical strengths of quickness, agility, stamina, and skill were performed.
  • The training program focuses on core (body weight) movements.
  • Preferring programs that help you achieve your target weight and muscle mass.
  • Everyday existence is programmed and monitored.
of Nutrition on the Physical Strength Development of Youth Football Players
The Effect of Nutrition on the Physical Strength Development of Youth Football Players

Youth football players’ nutrition has a significant impact on the development of physical strength, as well as extra training. Correct calorie adjustment and application for match-based calorie burning, daily calorie demands, and physical growth of children playing football between the ages of 13 and 15 is critical for young football players’ development. Nutrition for people aged 15 to 19 should also be regulated under the same topics.

Nutrition is becoming increasingly important in the development of physical strength. There are numerous examples of how a good diet aids in the growth of a football player’s muscular mass and improves his body. Even the performance of a professional football player can be affected by his diet. A football player who burns 2000 calories on average per game. This expenditure should be used to calculate daily calorie intake.

As a result, in Turkish football, it is vital to improve competence in the physical strength development of youth football players. It is proportional to the concerted efforts of the club, families, football-governing institutions, and, lastly, football players. The inclusion of young football players in Turkish football will be hampered if the team does not win the title.

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