Kick-Off Tactics (Start Kick)


Football is evolving on a daily basis, and the tactical approach is becoming increasingly important. This enables us to see a variety of drawn games. In the face of these developments, different tactics are employed in each minute and possession. One of these is known as a kick-off strategy. Also, why has the kick-off changed so much and become such a key tactical concept in football?

Providing Pressure to the Opponent by Quick Settlement and Fast Play with Kick Off Tactics in Football

In recent years, strikeout games have been popular in football, with the goal of gaining an early advantage over an opponent or forcing the opponent to make a mistake. It is possible to score a goal by shocking the opponent in this situation. I’d want to show you a few videos from a few high-profile startups who have tried this in recent years:

Kick-off tactic for Red Bull Leipzig – Stuttgart 2:

In the kick-off of the Leipzig – Stuttgart 2 match, Leipzig scores a goal in the first seconds of the match with the kick-off tactic.

Let’s take a look at the start of another kickoff!

Sampdoria – Lazio kick-off tactic:

The kick-off tactic of the Sampdoria – Lazio match, on the other hand, was one of the events that marked the night. You will see a tactic based on quick settlement and a quick play on the opponent’s field.

Footnote: Sampdoria was defeated 3-0 at the end of the match.

In addition, the Alex tactic, a kick-off tactic that has become a classic in Turkish football, is one of the tactics that should be examined.

Fenerbahce’s classic Alex Tactic:

Alex de Souza, a Fenerbahce icon, tried numerous kick-off methods in many matches, and one of the kick-off tactics that should not be forgotten is the kick-off tactic that allows the team to settle on the opponent’s field.

Apart from the above-mentioned kickoff tactics videos, what should a kickoff’s tactical approach be? and examining how it should be would be more accurate.

The Tactical Approach to the Kick-Off

A kick-off is a rule that governs the commencement of a game. However, it has recently become a tactical strike. It’s just as crucial how a team starts the kickoff as it is what strategies it uses to put pressure on its opponent. This pulls together a variety of subjects.

So, what should you pay attention to while starting the game with the proper kickoff or what kind of start should you make?

What Should Be Considered Before Kicking Off the Game?

What should be taken into account and what should be done for the team’s tactics while taking the kick-off:

  • Putting the finishing touches on the kick-off strategy.
  • The individual who will kick off the game is chosen based on the kick-off strategy.
  • Identifying the player who will set up the game from behind in the event that a tactical opportunity to settle on the opponent’s field presents itself.
  • Positioning of quick players.
  • Plan where the ball is by applying shock pressure.
  • Making a ball gain option formation.
  • The strategy of passing the ball to people who will rush to the goal.

Apart from the aforementioned considerations, it is critical to avoid counterattacking in a negative circumstance. What safety precautions should be done in this situation? It’s also important to think about the drawbacks of a kick-off. It is critical that the three rapid players are coordinated in this regard as a precaution. If a kick-off is to be attempted with a tactic in the opponent’s half.

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